Micah's House

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lexington Community Foundation
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This year, we are raising money for a scholarship and sports assistance.


raised by 1 people

$10,000 goal

Lexington, Nebraska, is a community of 10,000+ people, three hours west of Omaha on I-80. At a glance, Lexington appears to be a rural, Midwestern small town. However, Lexington is one of the most unique communities and best-kept secrets anywhere. This small, hospitable community has a diversity that rivals any major metropolitan area.

However, the community also faces many daunting challenges with its growth, turnover, and diversity. These challenges include, but are not limited to:

  • Unemployment
  • Poverty
  • Food insecurity

Many community agencies, businesses, schools, and churches partner to fill the gaps and take these challenges head-on. But, Micah’s House believes the greatest challenge facing Lexington is homelessness.

Our Goal

Micah’s House wants to help make these homeless families whole. Over eighteen months to two years, with each family accepted into the program, Micah’s House would provide:

  • Transitional housing (when available);
  • Emergency shelter for homeless teens living apart from their families;
  • Family-to-family mentoring;
  • Life-skills development

Today, Micah’s House is equivalent to a garage startup business. All of Micah’s House’s efforts are driven by volunteers, including the Board of Directors. So right now, Micah’s House is counting on the generous support of faithful donors to fund initial staff and a facility. Sustainability is one of our top priorities so that we can make a significant, transformational impact on the 574 homeless students and their families. 

Thank you for considering support for Micah’s House.

Giving Activity