Lexington Area United Way

Organization Image

A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lexington Community Foundation
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Our mission is to increase the organized capacity of people to care for one another.


raised by 0 people

$10,000 goal

Together we LIVE UNITED, Together we GIVE UNITED

For nearly 50 years, we have been working together to break the cycle of poverty, to give kids an equal chance to learn and grow, to meet our neighbors' basic needs, and create strong, healthy communities for all. 

We hope as you consider your gift this year, you remember how important it is that we work together and that - with your help - there are no limits to the lives we can change. 

Rarely is a family in need because of just one circumstance, and rarely can one organization provide everything they need to be lifted out of poverty or a bad situation. When you give to Lexington Area United Way, you give to 14 nonprofit programs that work together to change lives. Some help with immediate needs, like shelter, safety, and food, while others collaborate to address what created the need in the first place.

Your donation is making a difference in the lives of your family, friends, and neighbors. Last year, here is how your donation made an impact in our communities. 

  • 2,128 of our neighbors were helped to become more financially stable through assistance for rent, utilities, food, furniture, and transportation.
  • 1,506 community members were helped to improve their health and well-being with immunizations and medicine and through support and services for victims of abuse.
  • 1,840 children were prepared to succeed in school with educational opportunities, new clothes, and supplies for school.

Together we build stronger communities and a better future for our children. Can we count on you to GIVE UNITED today?

The Lexington Area United Way serves Dawson and Gosper Counties.

For more information, contact:

Rhonda Guthard - Executive Director

(308) 324-5774

Giving Activity