Immigrant Legal Center

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A nonprofit fundraiser supporting

Lexington Community Foundation
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ILC offers immigration legal representation, refugee resettlement, and social work services.


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$6,000 goal

At Immigrant Legal Center, we are a first-of-its-kind nonprofit organization in the Midwest!

  • Our dedicated team of over 20 highly qualified lawyers provides superior immigration legal assistance to low-income immigrants living in Nebraska and southwest Iowa. 
  • Our incredible social workers tackle our clients' emotional and social needs, helping them better integrate into our communities.
  • Our resettlement experts provide unbeatable care with warmth and expertise for more than 700 individuals each year in Omaha. 

Our clients include individuals from over 75 different countries — including those fleeing war zones, experiencing domestic violence, families seeking asylum, and children who arrived at the US/Mexico border without a parent or guardian.

In 2022 alone, our team, 

  • Helped over 700 individuals in Nebraska secure their work permits, adding much-needed workers to our Nebraska economy.
  • Served nearly 600 victims of crime and domestic violence.
  • Resettled 572 refugees from countries including Afghanistan and Sudan.
  • Launched programming specifically for Ukrainian refugees arriving in Nebraska.

Serving over 3,000 people a year and with over 600 people on our waitlist, we rely on generous donations from kind members of our community to help immigrants and refugees live with confidence and free from fear in our community. 

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